Medicine and Energy Healing

Medicine and Energy Healing

At SanandoHealing, we offer a wide range of services designed to help you on your path to healing and holistic wellness. 

Through Bio-Quantum Family Constellation, we explore and heal the family and ancestral dynamics that may be affecting your current life. You will be able to release blockages and limiting patterns, restoring order and love in your family system.

Our Bio-Quantum Cleansing service focuses on releasing and purifying your energy field of blockages, stagnant energies and negative charges. We help you re-establish the natural flow of energy, promoting vitality, clarity and harmony.

Reiki Distance Energy Healing is a powerful form of healing that balances and harmonizes your body, mind and spirit. We channel universal life energy to promote deep relaxation, release emotional blockages and activate the natural healing process in your being. 

Our Energetic Detoxification service focuses on releasing and purifying your energetic system of limiting patterns, blockages and accumulated emotional charges. Through cleansing techniques, we help you restore balance and vitality to your being, allowing you to live a fuller and more harmonious life.

At Sanando Healing, we are committed to providing you with quality services and personalized attention for your holistic well-being. Each service is designed to support you in your journey of healing and personal growth. Let us accompany you on your path to wholeness and harmony.

At Sanado Healing, we offer a wide range of services designed to help you on your path to healing and holistic wellness.

Contact Us

Location: 321 Valley View Road (Sterling, CT)