About Us

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. Carl Jung

Inner Healing

At Sanando Healing, we have asked ourselves some important questions: How can you become the best version of yourself? How can you make happiness a priority in ... Read More

Our Experience and Commitment

Are you ready to begin your transformational journey? At Sanando Healing, we have years of experience in the field of healing and wellness. We are dedicated to... Read More

Medicine and Energy Healing

At SanandoHealing, we offer a wide range of services designed to help you on your path to healing and holistic wellness. 

Through Bio-Quantum Family Constellat... Read More


  • Remote/Global Service
  • Powerful bio-quantum energy healing
  • Energy Detox
  • Bio Quantum Family Constellations
  • How can we help?

    We are here to accompany you on your journey towards integral healing, allowing you to regain your balance, well-being and wholeness. Contact us today and start your healing process with Sanado Healing! 

    Contact Us

    Location: 321 Valley View Road (Sterling, CT)